Your invitation to the European Congress of Neuropathology 2025.
The European Confederation of Neuropathological Societies (Euro-CNS) invites you to the 13th European Congress of Neuropathology in enchanting Maastricht, the Netherlands, from 11-14 June 2025.
Under the motto ‘Knowing the Past, looking to the Future’ the congress organization will be a combined effort of the Benelux countries (the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg) in cooperation with European colleagues. Just as the Benelux was at the cradle of the European Union, the organizers hope to attract and inspire participants from all the European countries and beyond. The congress venue, the ancient city of Maastricht, played an important role throughout the history, from the Roman times to modern Europe.
The scientific program will feature state-of-the-art plenary lectures, symposia and workshops. Abstract authors will be invited to present their work in several symposia, workshops or in the free communication sessions. A few novel fields shall be added to the program as a surprise.
As the organization of the congress progresses, we shall lift the tip of the veil a little more.
Bela Kubat (Congress President, Maastricht, the Netherlands),
Wilfred den Dunnen (Groningen, the Netherlands), Martin Lammens (Edegem, Belgium), Program Chairs
This web page will become fully functional as the dedicated congress website in December 2023. Until then, we will post brief updates only on the Euro-CNS website.
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